Saying "Farewell"

October 21, 2019

Update 3/25/22:

Well, it would seem that nature had another plan.

We had only gotten as far as finishing our tour with Thrice before the worst pandemic in over a century upended our plans for a concise farewell year. In the two years since we have tried our best to keep to our original promise of a Brother, Sister tour and as well as our plans for special re-issues of our albums. Unfortunately we were unable to plan any trips overseas and international touring outside of North America will no longer be part of our farewell.

As of today though, our formal “farewell tour” is now officially happening this Summer (if all goes as planned) with our final show of the tour scheduled for August 19th and 20th in Philadelphia.

The sentiments (now written years ago) concerning the band and the decision to “break up” all still hold true. But we did want to reiterate our love and appreciation to all those who continued to support our band over the past two years of uncertainty. Again, words here feel insufficient. Thank you.


October 21, 2019:
By the end of next year mewithoutYou will no longer be active. We have sensed for almost two years that 2020 would be an ideal time for this transition, and as the new year approaches we felt it was time to let you know. The reasons are numerous, but suffice to say the decision was collectively born out of honesty, respect, and love for one another.

We do have plans in the meantime. Early next year we will be supporting Thrice on their 15-Year Vheissu Anniversary Tour in January and February. After that we expect to bring Brother, Sister out on the road in late Spring, and to tour overseas. Then in the Fall we will head out one last time for our formal "farewell tour." We’ve got some special re-issues planned as well.

We should recognize, of course, the gesture to "break up the band" as limited in significance. mewithoutYou is an abstraction, unsubstantial, and so there is nothing real to break up, or alive to die. And something of the inverse is also true: that so much of whatever we are will not end with our "farewell." So we hope not to put too fine a point on our corporate disbanding.

Nevertheless, our lives will be changing, and we are collectively experiencing a mixture of heartbreak, excitement, anxiety, etc.---but above all this is, once again, gratitude. We'd like to lovingly acknowledge those who have supported us over the past two decades. Your kinship with our project and participation in its activity has helped us build our lives in a unique and exciting way. Our connection with you is deeper, we now suspect, than any of us have realized. Words feel here, as so often, insufficient.