Aaron on The Wandering Wolf
This past Monday, Aaron sat down with WHY? frontman, Yoni Wolf, to record a lengthy and thoughtful interview for Yoni's podcast "The Wandering Wolf." Here is the write up from WHY?'s website:
Episode 74- Aaron Weiss (mewithoutYou). Yoni and Aaron meet up for a get-to-know-you talk backstage at the Union Transfer in Philadelphia before WHY? soundcheck. They discuss remaining autonomous within a relationship vs. giving yourself over, reaching towards monastic tendencies, spirituality, Aaron's unique blend of Judaism/Christianity/Sufi Islam, they get meta and talk about the talk they are having, Aaron's musical roots, being a non-exclusively Christian band in a Christian hardcore scene, writing, and the record making process.
We were really excited that this was able to happen as Yoni's music has been some of our favorite music for the past several years. If you don't know about it. Do yourself a favor and listen any of the following records: Hymie's Basement, Elephant Eyelash, Alopecia, and WHY?'s newest album, Mumps, Etc.
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