You Could Join Aaron on Stage

photo by Jessica Fairchild
The following is is a message from Aaron:
Hello – I’d like to invite anyone who’s interested & capable to bring their (preferably) non-electrical instruments (e.g., horns, strings, woodwind, percussion, accordion) and join me on stage at the Troubadour this Thursday, December 15. The only songs of ours I’m probably going to do are acoustic-guitar & melody based (i.e., not old songs with shouting vocals), plus maybe a cover or two; if anyone takes me up on this, we can choose a set list based on whichever of those-type-of-songs everyone is prepared to play. I’m hoping of course for some degree of musical competency from whoever might join me (as after all, folks are paying money for the show…we’d like it to not be disastrous). but you don’t have to be a bona fide professional, just solid at your instrument and thoroughly familiar with the song(s) you’ll play on. If you don’t have a ticket, don’t worry: I can likely get you in for free, especially if you’re a good player.
We made up a temporary e-mail account for this very purpose. If you’ll be taking part, kindly let us know:
I’m sure you get this question all the time but here it goes.I’m a big MWY fan and have seen them live and takeld with Aaron several times.I’m in an internship which lasts all summer and can’t make it to any date of the Summer tour. Is there any possible way I could purchase one of your Ten Stories shirts directly? I especially love the All Circles shirt and the Nine Stories shirt.Please let me know as I love your work and really think these to be the best of all the MWY shirts. Take Care.David
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